Excellent post. There is one thing that you recommend that needs a strong caveat. That is regarding the sensitivity of a man’s balls. At the same time though I think it really is important to know that feeling like all of this is too painful or raw or stressful to weigh in on? That that’s […]

Part of the reason I expect we committed so little into the box beyond Rondon and Perez is the counter attack risk. Had we played the 4 2 3 1 vibrators, its very possible that Fulham would have looked more dangerous offensively. Although even near the end, Kamara nearly did us over when we were […]

Sure, the Olympics still have a bunch of shooting events but they are all pretty much boring, consisting usually of a bunch of people standing quietly and taking shots at paper targets. This is a little like watching bowling, but without even that level of athleticism. It’s time to bring back dueling pistols.. I felt […]

That was about 6 months ago. I took the easy route and made it with my stand mixer, but it isn that hard to do it by hand dildos, just a bit more work. Give it to the kids and tell them they can have dinner until the butter is done.bheklilr 7 points submitted 1 […]

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